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Blaise High School

key stage 5 resource base

What do we do?

The Post 16 Resource Base at Blaise High School offer SEN students a safe and nurturing environment in which to develop further the key skills that they will need to enable them to move on to and then thrive at college or in a work placement.

The provision offers a two year course that has been specifically created to support our students in developing their independence skills as well as their understanding of, and readiness for, working life. Students study a mix of subjects that will contribute towards Qualifications in English, maths and Life and Living Skills. Students are placed on pathways which shows the qualifications and levels they are working towards and their next steps moving to college. Pathways can be found below. Post 16 students will have the opportunity to attend some work experience as part of their course to give them idea about the types of work they could go on to do in the future. 


Where are we?

The Blaise High SEN Post 16 is based at Blaise High School, and opened in September 2016. The bungalow is accessed via the main site but sits separately to the school building. Students remain a key part of the school, whilst feeling as though they have progressed onto the next stage of their education.

The building itself was originally a private home which has now been developed for education purposes offering a fully functional kitchen and beautiful garden space in addition to classrooms. All aspects of the bungalow are used as teaching spaces within the student’s curriculum who also continue to have full access to the main school classrooms, staff and equipment.

Students attend school full time and follow a comprehensive curriculum. In an average day students could find themselves developing their English skills, learning how to make beds, preparing a shopping list and budget as well as purchasing the ingredients that are needed for recipes that they will then cook.

The provision is limited to ten places in total across the two years, enabling close links to be built with both the students and their families allowing for a very student centred approach and the ability to respond swiftly to changing needs. Students can only access the provision if it has been named as part of their EHCP.

Qualification Key for Pathways

EL - Entry Level

L1 - Level 1

L2 - Level 2

FS - Functional Skills

GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education