Academic Review Day 1st April 2021
19 March 2021
Dear Parent/Carer
On Thursday 1st April, Blaise High School (BHS) is holding the second Academic Review (ARD) event of this academic year. The aim of this is to give parents, pupils and teachers the opportunity to discuss academic performance. The term will end for students at 15.00 (16.00 for Y11) on Wednesday 31st March as per the school calendar to facilitate this event.
As with the ARD in December, due to Covid-19 restrictions, this will be a remote event. To submit questions to relevant staff please use this link:
Before the event you will receive a list of your child’s teachers via email. We have not run summative assessments or tests this term as we feel the time has been better spent teaching the students in the three weeks since we have returned from enforced school closure. The next set of data on your child’s progress will therefore be for the Summer term ARD.
If you have questions for teachers, please contact the school using the form. To access this, use the link above or use the link on the school website homepage.
This form will open on Friday 19th March and will close at midday on Monday 29th March to ensure that questions can be disseminated to staff in time for the ARD. Staff will reply to your questions by email by 16.00 on Thursday 1st April.
We really hope that this adjusted form of ARD will both maintain the safety of our community and ensure effective academic discussions.
Yours sincerely
Mr J Harvey – Deputy Headteacher