Free School Meals Update
Dear Parent / Carer
I’m writing to update you on our planned provision for Free School Meals. We can now confirm the details of the Bristol City-wide voucher scheme.
The vouchers are being provided to you in partnership with Sodexo Engage. You will receive the e-voucher by email no later than Thursday 2nd April. Please ensure you check both your inbox and your “junk mail” for the voucher. The e-voucher scheme will allow you to redeem at your choice of supermarket including: Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Asda, Morrison’s, Waitrose or Marks and Spencer. The e-voucher will cover a period of 3 weeks. Overleaf are the key instructions from Bristol City Council. Please familiarise yourself with these so you are clear on how to access and use your e-voucher once you’ve received it.
Please note that if an email address that has been provided is no longer valid, Sodexo Engage will capture this information and send us a report. This means we will be able to follow up with you on a case by case basis. Any families that don’t have access to email or a smartphone will also be supported individually. If you think this affects you then please contact the school.
We will send a further communication which will outline arrangements for the period following the Easter holiday as soon as we have details of this. In the meantime, we wanted to ensure that all our families could access food groceries while waiting to receive their e-voucher from Bristol City Council. This is why we have arranged for vouchers to be emailed from us directly to cover the days while you wait. You have been texted about this today. Please contact if you have not received your voucher from us by 11am on Tuesday 31st March.
We thank you for your continued support at this difficult time. This is an ever changing situation so your flexibility is greatly appreciated. Please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns about this. Our priority is to keep our community safe and ensuring its welfare as best as we can.
Yours faithfully
Ms K Brown Headteacher