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Blaise High School

Transition FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: I have been offered a place at Blaise High School. How do I accept it?

A: To accept your school place, you need to log onto the school admissions portal via the Bristol City Council website. You would have used this portal to apply for your child’s secondary school places. When you log onto the portal, you have the option to accept or withdraw your child’s place here at Blaise High School. Please use the link below to log on to the school admissions portal.


Q: Will my child visit the school for a transition day?

A: Yes.  We will be inviting all students that have accepted a place to start with us in September 2025 to attend their Transition Day on Wednesday 2nd July.  Throughout the day you will spend time with your tutor and teaching staff, build new friendships and experience the daily routines and opportunities at our fantastic school. We look forward to welcoming you!


Q: Will my child be in the same tutor group as their friends?

A: We have students joining us from many different primary schools. Students will be allocated to a number of different groups throughout the day and may be with a different group of students in lessons. It is likely, therefore, that students from the same primary school will be with other students they know at some point during the day.


Q: My child has additional needs. What extra help will they get?

A: At Blaise High School every child will be included, and we have very high expectations of all our students, whatever their additional needs. Our SENCO will meet with the SENCO of your child’s primary school to make sure that we understand your child’s individual needs and to plan for any support that needs to be put in place to allow your child to access a full and varied curriculum.


Q: Will my child be able to take part in any clubs?

A: At Blaise High School we are not only committed to achieving excellent educational outcomes, but also to the development of character. Children are exposed to a varied Enrichment Programme each academic year with offers from a range of departments in school and more. There is something for everyone to get involved in! It is essential that our children are given these fantastic opportunities to take part in performing arts, sport, academic pursuits and more to build character and confidence on their own personal climb up their mountain to the very best universities or careers of their choosing.


Q: Will my child have homework?

A: Students will complete self-quizzing homework 6 times a week. Students will use the look, cover, write, check method to self-quiz a full set of knowledge from their Knowledge organisers. This involves a minimum of one full page of A4 completed, no gaps or empty lines, with questions repeated either when students have got them wrong initially, or when they know they need further rehearsal. Answers are self-assessed and marked (tick if correct, cross and re-written if incorrect) with a green pen. We call this self-quizzing with integrity.

We know from research and previous experience that the time students spend learning these core facts will be a huge benefit to them. The information in the Knowledge Organisers have been carefully selected by the subject specialist teachers because it is the most powerful information needed to succeed in each subject.

Year 7 students also have weekly online homework for Maths using the Sparx platform - in the first two weeks of year 7, each Maths class will be signed up and shown how to login and access homework by their teacher.

We recognise the importance of children having quiet spaces to be able to complete homework in, both in school and at home. Base Camp can be used at lunchtime and from 15:00–15:30 as a silent space to complete and seek help with homework. Children also have IT access to complete online Maths homework on Tuesday–Friday lunchtimes. 

You can find out more about our homework systems here


Q: Where will I be able to buy school uniform?

A: Our uniform is supplied by a specialist uniform company called Monkhouse; they have a shop in Bedminster. Uniform can be purchased either in store or online via their website


Q: I have heard that you are very strict about school uniform. Is this true?

A: : Blaise High School students are the smartest students in Bristol. All students are in full uniform for all lessons. If for any reason students are missing some uniform in the morning we will loan the missing uniform for the day to ensure they are ready for lessons. Students will leave a deposit for the uniform, which they collect from student services when the uniform is returned to Student Services at the end of the day. Please note that if any borrowed uniform is not returned after the school has contacted home then we will charge for the replacement via Bromcom or on the My Child At School app.  You can find more information on the uniform policy here.


Q: What equipment will I need?

A: All students need a suitable bag to carry books and their equipment. Y7 students are given a mini whiteboard, a mini whiteboard pen, a whiteboard eraser, an A4 size Self Quizzing book and Knowledge Organiser and a Sparx book. We will also equip all Y7 students with a Blaise High School plastic folder to carry this equipment around school. These must be brought to school every day along with a 30 cm clear pencil case containing the correct equipment and a scientific calculator.  We check students have all their equipment with them each morning during tutor time and will loan any missing equipment out to students to ensure they are fully prepared for the day (except for calculators). A loan for a full replacement pencil case requires a deposit which students collect on returning the pencil case to Student Services at the end of the day. Students can then return the equipment to their tutor once they have replaced it. We have a challenge for the tutor group that can best look after their equipment each term (with a prize on the last day of term). We hope that this will reduce the environmental impact due to broken or lost equipment.


Q: Which scientific calculator should I buy

A: We recommend the Casio FX-83GT X Scientific calculator


Q: Will my child have to do tests or exams?

A: All students joining Blaise High School complete assessments regularly so that we can check on their progress and plan any additional support, such as numeracy or literacy interventions. Reading tests are key to making sure that teachers plan work that challenges students at an appropriate level. Y6 students will complete reading assessments and a short maths assessment as part of their transition.


Q: I’ve heard that students who disrupt learning are taken out of class. Is this true?

A: Learning in a disruptive free classroom is a commitment we make to all students at Blaise High School. If you choose to disrupt someone else’s learning, the teacher will give you a warning and will remind you of the rules. If you choose to disrupt learning for a second time, you will be asked to leave the lesson and to report to a supervised study area, and we will contact your family; you will not be permitted to return to class that day. Repeated removal from class will trigger additional support.


  Q: How will my child be rewarded?

A: At Blaise High School we recognise that rewarding positive behaviour builds strong foundations for a community that works together towards accessing the very best universities in the country, or career of your choosing. 

Everyday at Blaise High School we focus on rewarding good behaviour and character. Every lesson students are rewarded for effort and perfect answers with green points by their teachers. Each lesson one student, who has completed exemplary work, receives a Golden Ticket, worth 5 green points for their hard work. At social times staff notice excellent character and behaviour and sign students positive RfL cards, each signature contributing to their total green point score. 

Every week the students and tutor groups who have received the top green points in each year group are recognised and rewarded in assemblies. And every unit the students who have received the most green points in each year group will have the opportunity to participate in Rewards Experiences as part of our celebration fortnight. The reality of this is that not everyone will access a rewards experience, however we very much hope that all students will do so over the course of the year. 


Q: What happens if my child is absent from school?

A: Excellent attendance is key to a student’s success, both academically and socially. We expect all students to meet our minimum target for attendance of 95%. If a student’s attendance falls below this, we meet with home to offer support and to explain the consequences of a failure to improve. We work closely with Bristol City Council Education Welfare Service to make sure that parents and carers fulfil their statutory obligation to send their child to school regularly.


Q: Can my child bring a bike to school?

A: Yes. We encourage students to walk or cycle to school to stay healthy. Students may lock their bikes up in one of our many bike racks, using a traditional bike lock. Students may not cycle on the school premises and should observe safe cycling rules on the roads as they approach and leave school.