Tutor Reading Program
Tutor Time Reading Programme (TTRP)
At Blaise High School, we value the skill of reading and know that it is key to breaking the disadvantage cycle. Every morning, students in Year 7 read in their tutor groups - tutors read aloud with fluency, expression, and pace, while the students track the words in their own copies of the book. This improves their reading skills and encourages them to enjoy books, motivating them to also read outside of school. Tutors will pause to explain the meaning of unfamiliar words, breaking down vocabulary barriers to comprehension. Students record what books they have read in their personal reading log, which they keep adding to from the beginning of Year 7 to the end of Year 10. Like all lessons at Blaise High School, TTRP is disruption-free which allows students to focus on their reading.
We have a diverse and inclusive reading canon which is designed to complement the curriculum, drawing links to ideas, themes, and figures studied in lessons. Over the academic year, students read five or six books ranging from classic stories from different cultures, traditions, and time periods to carefully selected works of non-fiction.
Some of the books that Year 7 students read include:
Me, My Dad & The End of the Rainbow
The Hunger Games
Windrush Child
I am David