Key Stage 4 Resource base
In Key Stage 4 students work towards completing a range of qualifications in the main subjects of English and maths and additional subjects such as science, humanities, ICT, art, catering and life skills. Students are placed on pathways which shows the qualification and level they are working towards and their next steps either in our Post 16 provision or at college. Pathways can be found below. These courses are a mixture of coursework and some small exams. Students will take a qualification in Life Skills and will be able to develop their awareness of the world, self-care and skills such as catching the bus, budgeting and cleaning through the life skills qualification. Students also have the opportunity to work towards their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award if they would like to.
Students continue to use the Seesaw app to share their work with home but homework is now specific to subjects and will be recorded in school planners.
Students will also have career advice meetings to discuss their options, these will be 1:1 and support will be given depending on individual needs.
Qualification Key for Pathways
EL - Entry Level
L1 - Level 1
L2 - Level 2
FS - Functional Skills
GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education